Assistance After Hospitalization

Retro-Localization Analysis
Retro-localization analysis”ž describes a unique approach that Dr. Frank developed to:
- fill an important gap in the medical management of neurological patients
- enhance the approach of non-neurological professionals in helping patients meet the challenges of recovery and rehabilitation
- better adapt approaches to recovery from a neurological injury to the patient’s life
- improve the patient’s understanding of the neurological injury and its implications
When patients suffer significant neurological injuries from any cause, they will often be stabilized in a hospital. Then, most often, the patient will be transferred to a rehabilitation setting, frequently starting as an inpatient and transitioning to becoming an outpatient. The rehabilitation facility is not always well chosen or tailored to what is best matched to the patient’s injury. It will be a facility that is either easiest for the patient to get into or chosen because it matches the entitlements provided by the patient’s insurance.
However, even if the facility is not ideally suited to the patient and the insurance restrictions can be adjusted with medical advocacy, the patient still can suffer from a lack of advocacy. This is because in our medical system today:
- physicians can’t spend the significant time required to fully help patients
- patient advocacy outside of typical medical definitions is unfamiliar territory for doctors
- any time spent in such activities it is not reimbursed.
Eventually, at some point along the recovery timeline, it is important for an experienced neurological specialist to re-evaluate the patient’s situation.
Dr. Frank is uniquely prepared to:
- re-evaluate the patient’s medical situation and neurological injury to assure proper diagnosis and comprehensiveness to the care plan
- ensure that the appropriate steps are being taken to prevent recurrence or predictable complications
determine if the selected site for rehabilitation setting is adequate - proactively interface with the chosen rehabilitation professionals to assure a smooth transition and rehabilitation ideally targeted to the patient’s recovery and specifics of the neurological brain injury
- fully educate the patient (and loved ones) about the injury, its ramifications, and anticipated issues
An important part of Dr. Frank’s unique approach is to understand how the patient’s injury and recovery may be limiting him/her from realizing the life he/she desires. Sometimes, better patient education or refining the rehabilitation approach can help a patient adapt better to a neurological injury.
This service requires:
- extensive time and follow-through, listening, and creativity
- a willingness to advocate for the patients beyond the doors of an office
Nobody does this like Dr. Frank.
If you are interested in learning more about this, click here to schedule your initial consult.